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Dr. Robert Bullard

Dr. Robert Bullard

February 3rd, 2021

Dr. Robert Bullard is often described as the father of environmental justice. Born in Elba, Alabama during the 40’s; Dr. Robert Bullard would go on to graduate high school as the class salutatorian in 1964. Dr. Robert Bullard would continue his educational journey and ultimately obtain a PhD in Sociology at Iowa State University. Dr. Robert Bullard’s environmental work would truly begin in the late 70’s. Bullard has been quoted as saying he was “drafted” into environmental justice work while working as an environmental sociologist in Houston, Texas. It was his work there of studying garbage dumps placed solely in black neighborhoods that led to the identification of systematic patterns of injustice. This discovery would propel Dr. Robert Bullard’s crusade as both an educator and activist against these environmental injustices that have impacted BIPOC communities across the nation.

As an accomplished author of 18 publications, Dr. Robert Bullard’s first book, ‘Dumping in Dixie: Race, Class and Environmental Quality’, covered the convergence of the civil rights movement and the environmental movement of the 1960’s. His latest book, ‘The Wrong Complexion for Protection’ takes a closer look into the government responses to natural disasters as related to the African American communities.

Dr. Robert Bullard has also contributed to organizing the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit in 1991. His work with the summit would lead to the expanding the participating group list from 30 to 300 groups, the creation of a list of seventeen “Principles of Environmental Justice” and the signing of the Environmental Justice Executive Order by former President Bill Clinton. Dr. Robert Bullard has received many accolades honoring his tireless work to bring attention to these important issues. In 2020, Dr. Robert Bullard was given the Champions of the Earth Lifetime Achievement Award by the United Nations Environment Program. Dr. Robert Bullard was also the first African-American to receive the Sierra Club John Muir Award in 2013.

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