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Dr. Warren Washington

Dr. Warren Washington

February 4th, 2021

Dr. Warren Washington is considered a weather and climate legend. His decision to become a scientist instead of studying business in his youth lead him to become an influential atmospheric scientist.

Dr. Washington earned a bachelors degree in physics, and later obtained a doctoral degree in meteorology from Penn State University in 1964. He was only the second African American to earn a degree in meteorology. This lead to his recruitment with the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. He is currently a senior scientist with them.

Washington is a pioneer who built one of the first atmospheric and climate models. These models are the foundations used for weather forecasting and our understanding of climate.

He has served as a science adviser to five presidents. In 2010, President Obama awarded him the National Medal of Science, the highest honor given by the United States to scientists.

Warren Washington - 2009 National Medal of Science