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Intro to Meditation

May 20th, 2021

Meditation is something that has become mainstream in western culture, but it comes from a deep cultural history in religion and spirituality. It’s something that is dated back as far as 5,000 BCE and has ties in many different religions.

Today it is an accessible practice that can still be used for religion and spiritual beliefs, but also has many health benefits. It’s been proven that long-term meditation practice can increase your direct functional connectivity between ventral and dorsal frontal regions in your brain. It can help reduce stress, increase oxygen flow to the brain, help quiet the mind, and improve focus.

While there are many different types of mediation, here are three to explore a bit if you’re new!

  1. Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a method in which you reach a state of mental stillness. It relates to the Kundalini energy. You can repeat affirmations while placing your hands on the different energy centers within the body. If you’re looking to silence mind chatter and improve focus and patiences, this may be the type of meditation for you!

  2. Visualization Meditation is when you picture something or someone in your mind, and only that. This helps you focus all of your energy onto one thing during this time, it’s also a good time and method for manifesting. 

  3. Vipassana Meditation, also know as “Insight Meditation,” consists of sitting in silence and focusing on your breathing. Like watching clouds, any thoughts and feelings that arise you can note and let pass and refocus.

These are only three different types, your meditation journey can be personal to your needs and goals, there are many tools and apps today to help you along your way!

Read more here:

sahajar yoga meditation

12 major types of meditation

history of meditation