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Cariol Horne

The Good Stuff: Cariol Horne

April 19th, 2021

Aniesha Jones

This week we would like to acknowledge a win for, Cariol Horne, a former Buffalo NY police officer. On April. 13th 2021, ( after 12 years) a New York Supreme Court ruling has reinstated the pension and back pay owed to Cariole Horne.

In 2006, Horne responded to a call to help her colleague, Gregory Kwiatkowski, during an arrest. When she arrived, she found the arrestee, a 15 year Black man, already in handcuffs and saying he couldn’t breathe as Kwiatkowski put him in an illegal chokehold. Horne, forcibly removed Kwiatkowski and stopped the chokehold. At that time she was reassigned and ultimately fired in 2008, a year short of the 20 years of service needed to receive a full pension.

I had the immense pleasure of hearing Cariol Hornespeak a BLM protest I attended in 2020, she has never stopped fighting and never once regretted saving that young mans life though it cost her heavily. A actual hero. SN: folks began to put money in her wagon to go toward her efforts- was a beautiful moment to witness.

Full story here.